Midterm 1 Review


Reviewing for Midterm 1

Sample midterm created by course coordinator: http://web.cse.ohio-state.edu/software/2221/web-sw1/readings/SampleExam.pdf

Study guide created by me: CSE 2221 Midterm 1 Review.pdf

Provided on the CSE 2221 homepage is an example midterm. Please read through this and note a few things:

  • The types of questions on the exam. There are multiple choice, tracing tables, short answer, writing code, and tree drawing/comprehension. Notice that on this sample, theres even a question about CheckStyle's "magic numbers". Be ready to face any of these on the midterm.
  • The wording of the exam questions. The questions you get on your midterm will have questions that are created similar to this. They give you some necessary background and then pose a question. For instance, 1.4 tells you what Random1L's "nextDouble()" instance function does, then asks you to do something with it.
  • The number of questions on the exam. It isn't short and sweet. Time yourself on this practice exam to see how you're doing time-wise. Think about optimizing your time usage to get the most points possible. Is it really worth arguing in your head over if a multiple choice question is (a) or (b), or is it wiser to start writing a response for a question worth 3-5 times as many points? Which leads me to...
  • The point values. Though the midterm won't have exactly the same point values per question, they will be similar. There are a number of multiple choice, each only worth a few points. Tracing tables, writing code, and short response are all worth much more. Know which questions will get you the most points.
  • Extra credit. I can't guarantee that there will be extra credit on the midterm, but it is likely. If you can snag some free points from a problem that is more difficult, that's great! But don't kick yourself in the bum if you can't solve it. Those points don't count against you, but the other questions you miss will.

In addition to the example midterm, there is also a study guide of sorts I've made, available here. You'll find over 100 questions that are much different than the practice midterm and tend to focus on the basics and concepts. I provide answers to all of the questions in the second half of the document. DISCLAIMER: These are not written like the sample midterm (and your actual midterm) are written! My questions are very short and are to the point. Questions you get on the midterm have a different structure. Don't only use my study guide for studying, use both mine and the sample midterm!


Q: Do I need to memorize functions for XMLTree, SimpleWriter, etc.?

A: For the most part, no. You do not need to remember everything that the XMLTree class can do and the specific function calls. When we think you need to know a function call, we will tell you on the test. For example, we don't expect you to memorize how to make a new Random1L and create a double in [0, 1). We tell you how to do that, and then ask you to do something with that information. That said, we do expect you to know things like how to read a line of input, or output a line with in.readLine() and out.println(). You shouldn't need to look at the OSU components API for anything on the exam.

Q: What is covered on the exam?

A: Everything we've covered so far. Java/JVM, variables, mathematical models for those variables, control flow, loops, static methods, parameter passing, arrays, design by contract, trees, XML documents, CheckStyle/FindBugs, HTML, anything we've done in projects and anything we've done in lab. If you've seen it in class/lab/homework/projects, its fair game!

Q: How long is the exam?

A: 55 minutes, one class period. You will probably need the entire class period. Come with a pencil and eraser.

Q: Where is the exam?

A: In the lecture room for the class, as defined on your section page on the CSE 2221 home page.

Good luck and have fun! Go Bucks.