Project 3 tips

Project 3: Pseudoscience

This lab is mainly to get you used to using arrays and while/for loops. You'll be using 5 user input numbers: w, x, y, z, and u. w, x, y, and z are all used to estimate u so that u = w^a * x^b * y^c * z^d, within some error, as close as possible. You'll type in w, x, y, z, and u, but will need to use arrays and loops to calculate a, b, c, and d to minimize the error between u and w^a * x^b * y^c * z^d.

Note that getPositiveDouble DOESN'T INCLUDE 0. Their input must be greater than 0.

For getting user input, consider the following code snippet.

... SimpleReader in = new SimpleReader1L(); SimpleWriter out = new SimpleWriter1L(); out.print("Enter an integer: "); String userInput = in.nextLine(); int x; if(FormatChecker.canParseInt(userInput)){ x = Integer.parseInt(userInput); } else{ out.println("That wasn't an integer! Failed to update x."); } ...

This code asks the user for an integer as input. We use SimpleReader in to read a line (which returns a string, not an int!). Then we use FormatChecker to see if that string is actually an integer. Finally, since we know its an integer, we save it to x using Integer.parseInt(userInput). You'll have to do something similar to this for getPositiveDouble and getPositiveDoubleNotOne, except add a few things:

  1. Use doubles instead of ints. This is a simple switch using FormatChecker.canParseDouble() and Double.parseDouble()
  2. You'll have to repeatedly as for user input until a valid input is given. If they enter "a;lsdjfbiu", we can't take that. You should print something like "That wasn't a double.", and continue to ask for a double as input. You'll need some sort of loop and a way of knowing if they've input a proper double yet.

In class I mentioned not to check for equality of doubles using == like in this example:

... double x = 1.5; double y = 1.5; //Multiply by 10 10 times, so in the end x = x * 100; for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){ x = x * 10.0; } //Divide by 100 to return x to its original value, which should be 1.5 x = x / 100.0; out.println(x == y); //prints false, but logically should be true! out.println(x); //prints 1.5E8 out.println(y); //prints 1.5 ...

As you can see, doubles lose the precision we expect in normal math, so we have to be very careful with checking doubles with ==. But, in the function getPositiveDoubleNotOne(), it is okay to check for == 1. Its just important to know that this is a limitation in general.

A big issue I see in this project is not initializing your guess correctly. Heres an example similar. Suppose I have a hidden number, and I want to check what element of an array has the closest value. One solution could look like this:

int[] arrayOfNumbers = { 76, 2, 3, 9, 34, 65, 16, 88 }; int numberToFindClosestTo = -5; int bestGuess = 0; for(int i = 0; i < arrayOfNumbers.length; i++){ if(Math.abs(arrayOfNumbers[i] - numberToFindClosestTo) < Math.abs(bestGuess - numberToFindClosestTo)){ bestGuess = arrayOfNumbers[i]; } } return bestGuess;

Do you see the issue with the code above? We want to find the number in arrayOfNumbers that's closest to -5. The answer should be 2, but the program will return 0. That's because we INITIALIZED bestGuess to 0, and 0 is a closer guess than anything in the array. But 0 isn't a possible answer since it's not in the array! Take a look at this better example.

int[] arrayOfNumbers = { 76, 2, 3, 9, 34, 65, 16, 88 }; int numberToFindClosestTo = -5; int bestGuess = arrayOfNumbers[0]; for(int i = 0; i < arrayOfNumbers.length; i++){ if(Math.abs(arrayOfNumbers[i] - numberToFindClosestTo) < Math.abs(bestGuess - numberToFindClosestTo)){ bestGuess = arrayOfNumbers[i]; } } return bestGuess;

By initializing the bestGuess to the first spot in the array, we guarantee that the answer has to at least be a part of the array. You should find that in Pseudoscience, theres an extremely similar situation in which your approximation for u might not exist if you initialize your guess to 0. Instead initialize it to something that's actually possible for w^a * x^b * y^c * z^d where a, b, c, and d are all within that set of exponents from -15 to 15.

Some other general tips are:

  • Watch out for integer division. 1/2 = 0 in integer division. Try 1.0/2, or 1/2.0, or 1.0/2.0 for 0.5.
  • Practice good variable names. Counter variables are okay to be named i, j, k, but l should be avoided (same with o) because l looks like 1, L, I, and other letters depending on the font. o looks like O or 0 or O.